If you want to get the job done right, you need the right tools. For example, if you want to grow your search traffic you need the right free keyword research tools. Otherwise, you will struggle to rank your site for high-converting keywords that drive customers and traffic to your site.

How to Find the Right Keywords

Before you review the free keyword research tools list below, it is important to identify the primary keywords that can drive quality traffic to your site.

For example, a coworking space in London ideal keywords that best describe how their company helps others would be:

  • Coworking space
  • Communal desks
  • Office space

Write a list for your business that highlights the top keywords for your company. The best way to do this is to take a pen and paper and start brainstorming keywords. Treat this as a free-flowing exercise where you just write keywords as fast as you can for 5-10 minutes.

Once you finish, identify the top three keywords on your list that you want to target for additional traffic to your site.

While you might not receive traffic from phrases like “coworking space”, it is possible to receive organic traffic for local phrases like “coworking spaces near me” or “coworking spaces London UK”.

These long-tail keywords are the low-hanging fruit that will help you grow your site traffic faster.

Not sure they are worth your time? Ask Neil Patel how valuable long-tail keywords are to your search strategy. His site Quick Sprout receives millions of visitors to his sites every month. 91% of his site’s search traffic comes from long-tail keywords.

The challenge is: how do we find the right tools on a budget? While there are some amazing paid solutions. The list below covers free or low-cost options.


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